Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Road Trippin'

Hello everybody! Well, the day to head on down to the Big Easy is here! I'm just waiting around for everyone else so we can get going. We're due to leave in about an hour (around noon), and true to form, I have yet to pack. I'll get it done sooner or later. We are leaving from Sandy and are going to head to Albuquerque, then Dallas and on to New Orleans. We want to spend as little time as possible on the road, so we are going to get there as fast as we can. We plan to get there tomorrow afternoon around 3pm local time.

This whole road trip just kind of fell together. After we spanked BYU, I was out to dinner at Red Robbin (great burgers, by the way. Oh, and that plug was free. The next one will cost ya.) with some friends of mine and we were talking about what we wanted to do for the Bowl Game. Matt Broadbent, an old friend and a former MUSS President, mentioned how fun it would be to drive to New Orleans. Now, I, like any sane person, don't particularly enjoy sitting in a car for an extended period of time, so I was pulling for the Fiesta Bowl. However, bleeding Red as much as we do, we were prepared to go wherever we needed to. So Matt got going on the plans. He mapped it out, got prices and reservations and then we starting filling up the cars. Of course, like most trips, people would say they wanted in, would drop out, then jump back in, then bail again. The most entertaining part was that Matt, the one who planned it all, even dropped out. (He's now flying down. Go figure). So, that leaves us with those listed on the right of the blog. It's going to be a great trip. We are all foaming at the mouth for this game and Friday can't come fast enough!

I won't have internet access while we are driving, so I will post some tidbits from the road as soon as I can. I will post at least once a day and be adding photos, so hopefully this will be entertaining enough for you to come back! See you in the Big Easy!

Go Utes!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. i know what you mean about the friends backing out part. i'm trying to look for people to share rooms with. i booked one at the sheraton metaire for $49 a night (associate discount)...i could possibly get additional rooms, if needed, for the same rate. do you know of anyone looking for rooms? i just want to cut my cost down.

    i'm flying in from phoenix on the 2nd. my email is gqcharley@aol.com
